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Ministry Team

A Brief History


The Emmanuel Bible Camp Ministry Team was born out of the desire of the camp workers to spread the word about camp to the community. In years past, the founding members of the camp visited the schools, told Bible stories, and gave out information about camp. As time passed and those workers got older, they were unable to spread the word about camp and the attendance of camp began to decrease. Since the older workers were no longer visiting schools, many people thought that the camp had closed. The younger generation of camp workers decided that they needed to do something to continue the work and let people know that camp was still going on.

A small group of about 10 people, or so, began going to church’s in the spring time prior to camp to sing a few songs and give out camp information. The first year, they traveled to about 2 churches. Each year, more and more church’s were inviting this unnamed group to come and sing. As time went on, skits were added to the singing and more camp workers started joining in. In the spring of 2004 this group officially became the “Emmanuel Bible Camp Ministry Team”, and has grown to 24 members. The EBC Ministry Team has a wide variety of ministry tools such as interpretive movement, sign-art, skits, juggling, magic, music and testimonies. Also, in 2004 the Lord laid it on our hearts not only to travel to churches in the spring time to speak about camp, but to minister year round and spread the Gospel of Christ. We have seen the number of campers increase since the EBC Ministry Team began ministering as well as support for the camp by the community and local churches.

God has blessed this team tremendously over the past few years. He has given us many opportunities to minister not only in churches but in other places such as schools, after school programs, festivals, youth events and more. The commitment of this team, consisting of both teenagers and adults, is inspiring. God has given each team member different gifts and shown us how to work together and use these gifts for His glory! It is our prayer that He will continue to use us to spread the Gospel to a dying world.

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(606) 546-2975

94 Emmanuel Rd Barbourville KY 40906

©2018 by Emmanuel Bible Camp

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